Saturday, November 22, 2008

Does He Really Fit the Bill?

The man is in our pockets and textbooks as the seventh President of the United States. Champion of the common man, he was known as he made his way into office. Andrew Jackson also is known for his tough love attitude toward the banking system, and got his face on the twenty dollar bill, big whoop. But does his face still deserve to be on the bill? After all, "Old Hickory" was not the most kind towards the Native American people. 

In fact, his record against the Indians during the Westward Expansion was less than flattering. "Indian Removal" was one of his talking points during his first inaugural address. 

As a nation of progress (defeating slavery and equalizing rights for all), it is somewhat disturbing that Jackson is still on the bill. The fact that he accomplished so little as far as building the nation, should be enough to overcome the common man friendship he had, that keeps his face on the bill today. Are we really a progressive nation, if we cannot recognize what a travesty the Indian Removal was? 

There is no going back in time to give the rightful land pack to the native people, but we can do one thing. We can replace the face of a man who fully supported and took part in the only genocide our country as witnessed with that of a man who has some more for us. FDR would be a much better candidate, and he represented progress to the extreme, pulling our country out of depression and laying the foundation for the United States' rise to world power.

1 comment:

Mr. Lawler said...

Great title! Keep it up, Willie -- good titles pull your reader in.