Tuesday, April 14, 2009

War, huh, yeah. This should tell us to stop.

I was quite excited to hear about the opening of a Holocaust Museum in Skokie Illinois. The Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center is scheduled to open on April 19th. Among the speakers at the opening of the 45 million dollar museum will be former president Bill Clinton and Nobel Prize winning author Elie Wiesel. I was very proud of the North Shore having a new and interesting museum so close, and cannot wait to go there. But with the excitement that goes along with the opening comes the sadness and remembrance that the museum will present to its visitors.

Hopefully this museum will instill a spirit into all that visit it to avoid war and to learn unconditional care for all people. And tere is a tone of bitter sweetness as the museum is opening in a the town where Nazi activists marched in the late 70's. If this opening instigates anger and movement in the radical fronts across the world, I think it is an act of war worth taking. 

1 comment:

Rosie S said...

I think it's really great that Skokie is opening a Holocaust museum. I feel like so often, people try to justify war and killing others to try and help fight for your cause-but it just really rarely makes sense. There have been few wars I've heard of and genuinely thought to myself, that was necessary. In my opinion, WWII is one of them-and that is because of the Holocaust. When war is used to stop an even bigger and more blood thirsty front, then it might be justified. But for your everyday land or ideal dispute, I don't think war is the way. I hope that this museum will help others to see that War may be necessary at times, but only when you're doing it to save innocent lives.