Sunday, October 19, 2008

Idealist Hope spurs Pragmatic Results

It is a large number of people, 50,000. That is how many men and women took to Jones Beach State Park in New York to support the cure for Breast Cancer, a disease that affect millions each year. While the outcome was outstanding, the amount of money raised can really put the results in perspective. $3 million. For a subject that requires so much hope and idealistic attitudes to get a cure, the money raised shows that pragmatic and tangible results can and will be reached soon. With most middle class families feeling the crunch of the economic burden this month, this event show that we all have some idealism in us and are willing to donate the extra money in hopes to reach a cure. Another immediate result of this march is to bring awareness to the disease. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and this was surely the climax of it all.

To many a cure seems an unattainable goal. But the people of our country have overcome so much fueled by idealism. Would any pragmatist expect that a small group of settlers scatters on the eastern shore would be able to take on and defeat the strongest military power in the world? Would any pragmatist foresee that a loosely organized group of men will conflicting viewpoints could organize the world's model for a democratic nation in one document? While pragmatic decisions were made in that effort, every hope starts with an idealist that must face his or her fair share of tribulations, but in the end the idealist and pragmatist must work together. Modern science and rallying people must band up to eradicate cancer. And the 50,000 people that marched this Sunday were a good start.


Evan_Dragon_Master said...

It is interesting what you said about how every hope starts with an idealist, I did not think about it that way. In so many cases that is very true, but playing devils advocate here, I think it could also be viewed the other way. Maybe pragmatists start the idea or lay out the base for it and idealists expand that idea and strive for new heights. I guess it depends on how one looks at things in life, but very interesting point in you r blog.

Mr. Lawler said...

Good discussion guys!

MattH said...

I agree, I think that we as Americans often are underestimated in what we can accomplish. The way I see it as a Union of people we can accomplish anything, and nothing is idealistic. Just look at what we accomplished as a union of people, we overcame insurmountable hindrances, and have an African-American as our president. This sense of unity we have is unstoppable, and nothing is idealistic if we come together as the people of America. (There's my pump up speech now go get um'America)